“To be the best customer-brand dairy company, reaching our products in every Bhutanese home, with sustainable growth and value for all stakeholders”.

Koufuku International Ltd
Koufuku International Limited (KIL) started its manufacturing operations in 2015 and commenced processed cheese processing in April, 2019. The company is the only manufacturing entity in Bhutan that produces processed cheese with natural gouda as main component of ingredients under flagship brand of “Druk Zambala Cheese”. The Druk Zamabala Cheese due to its distinct savory flavour of natural gouda brings a good choice for Bhutanese cuisine, particularly for making Bhutanese “Ema Datsi” and has become the preferred cheese in Bhutan.
"The KIL is committed to serve the customers through creation of value for money providing the highest level of quality dairy products, services, and innovations".
The company also produces a wide variety of dairy products such as natural Gouda cheese, premium drinking yoghurt, stirred yoghurt, fruit flavored yoghurt, pasteurized & non-pasteurized butter. In 2012, Koufuku International Limited was founded as a FDI joint venture between Druk Holding Investments (DHI), Bhutan and its Japanese partner, the Shin Nippon Biotech Laboratories (SNBL) with shareholding of 30% and 70% respectively. The company was registered under the company Act of Bhutan 2016 as Koufuku International Private Limited (KIPL).
In 2015, the company started with collection of 400-500 litres of milk per day from few Farmers‘ Groups in Tashigang to process Gouda cheese & yoghurts, adding value to the farmers‘ milk. The company initially produced only Gouda cheese for export market to Japan.

In 2017, the company share holding changed, with DHI becoming the major share holder of the company owning 80% of its shares and SNBL & Sanyo Unyu, Japan the 14.99% and 5.01% of the shares respectively. In February 2020, the company is further restructured with free transfer of shares from Shin Nippon Bio Laboratories (SNBL) with 14.99% holding and Sano Unyu with 5.01% holding to Druk Holding & Investments (DHI). In 2017, the Koufuku dairy processing company became the first dairy sector company in Bhutan to be certified to ISO standard in recognition of our food safety programme.
Today, the company works with 19 milk Cooperatives & Groups covering 884 micro-farms or households under 3 districts of Tashigang, Mongar, and Samdrup Jongkhar delivering 1900 to 2500 litres of milk per day to Dairy Plant at Chenary, Tashigang. KIL is in expansion phase creating value for farmers milk and searching for growth.
“To be the best customer-brand dairy company, reaching our products in every Bhutanese home with sustainable growth and value for all stakeholders”.
Our Mission
To secure the highest value for our farmers’ milk while creating opportunities for their growth
Core Values
We endeavor to create a positive, lasting social impact by engaging the communities we operate in as part of our value chain so that we mutually flourish.
As change is the only constant in life, we will not be satisfied with the status quo. We value the constant, passionate pursuit of creative solutions to improve the way we do things.
We value our employees and other stakeholders as partners of our business and delight in seeing them succeed. We are committed to a long-term relationship guided by respect and compassion, and governed by fairness and accountability.